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Measuring Light

Light is the most important factor in growing a plant successfully.  Access to light is how plants produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis.  Each plant has evolved to optimize photosynthesis in their native habitat's lighting conditions.  For example, cactus in the harsh dessert sun, and ferns in the soft diffused light under trees. 

This is why we have organized our shop based on available lighting conditions.

How do I know what light level I have?

Drawing from our experience working with clients, we have categorized the most common lighting conditions encountered in indoor environments as follows:

Very Bright - This location is in a position to receive +4 hours of direct sunlight.  It's usually within 2-3' of a window that faces South, West or Southwest.  The light it receives is not only intense, but lasts a while.  If you leave something here, it can become hot to touch.

Bright - This location is in a position to receive up to 3 hours of direct sunlight.  It can be within 2-3' of a window that faces East or Southeast.  It can also be within 4-6' of a window facing South, West or Southwest.  It can also be within 3' from an uncovered fluorescent light.  The light received here is less intense than Very Bright and does not last as long.  

Medium - This location is in a position to receive almost no direct sunlight, but indirect light or dappled light from a Bright window.  It can be within 2-3' of a window facing North, East or Northeast.  It can also be within 5' from an uncovered fluorescent light.  

Low - This location is in a relatively dark position.  It is at a lighting level that's just bright enough to read a book.  It's 4-5' from a North or East-facing window and may be farther from indoor lighting.